How to download information about your collection

How to download information about your collection

You can download the metadata from one of your personal collections, or from any collection that you can view.

To download the metadata: When you open a collection, expand a section called “Download metadata” in the left sidebar. You can then select one of two modes for download:

  • a tab-separated values (TSV) file, or

  • a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file (this can be used to create a workset in the HathiTrust Research Center portal).

Each type of file contains all of the data elements provided in the hathifiles, as well as catalog and item URL fields. The JSON file also includes metadata about the collection itself, such as when it was created. It can be used to create a workset in the HathiTrust Research Center portal.

You can find out more about how to create a workset on the HathiTrust Research Center website. To find out more about HathiTrust Data Resources in general, please see this page on our website.

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