Becoming a member

Becoming a member

HathiTrust’s 200+ research and academic library members leverage their collective resources and vision to steward the largest collection of digital books managed by a non-profit organization thereby strengthening the resilience of the research and academic library community to thrive in the face of challenges. 

Since HathiTrust’s inception in 2008, our members have contributed digital library content and expertise, as well as collaborated on the organization’s strategic direction, governance, collection management, and services. As a result, millions of people around the world benefit from the preserved record of knowledge.


HathiTrust currently accepts members from each of these three categories:

  • Academic and research libraries (government and specialized institutions may be considered)

  • University systems of libraries

  • Consortia of libraries

We welcome membership inquiries from non-profit, non-U.S. research libraries to review on a case-by-case basis.  

HathiTrust does not consider memberships from:

  • Libraries associated with for-profit organizations

  • Public libraries without a clear research mission

  • Public or private K-12 or secondary school libraries

  • Non-libraries, including publishers


In order to receive more information about the process and whether you meet the criteria for membership:

We are not able to provide memberships to individuals. We partner with libraries in order to support their research needs, and provide access by use of their existing login systems.

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