Viewing and Reading Books

Viewing and Reading Books

Accessing Materials in the Collection

To find out more about what members and non-members can view, please see the access chart on the “How to Search & Access” page.

“Full view” Titles

HathiTrust materials that are unrestricted by copyright or opened by the rights holder may be read in full using our Book Viewer by clicking on “Full View” in the search results or from within the catalog record.

“Limited (search only)” Titles

It is not possible to read a book that is listed as “Limited (search-only).” These books are restricted due to copyright, and we are not able to provide access to them. You can, however, search within the text to determine if it is relevant.

For restricted books, the search results will provide you with a list which contains the page scan number, the page number from the original physical volume, and how many times the search term appears on each page. This can help you identify whether a book is relevant.

A list of search results, along with page numbers next to each result, as well as how many times the search term appears on those pages

After identifying a relevant book, we recommend contacting your local library to learn about alternative options for accessing the book, or selecting the “Find in a library” link in the left sidebar of the Book Viewer to find a library near you that has a copy of the book.


 Navigating the Book Viewer

Bookmarks: It is currently not possible to bookmark specific pages or portions of materials.

Accessibility: To find out how our Book Viewer complies with accessibility standards for users with disabilities, please see our webpage on accessibility for more information.

The Left Sidebar

You can open or close the left sidebar as needed using the following symbols.

Close sidebar symbol


Open sidebar symbol


You can resize the sidebar by dragging the Close Sidebar icon to make the sidebar wider or narrower.

About This Item

The “About This Item” menu in the left sidebar will tell you:

  • How many page scans this item contains (not how many pages were in the original physical copy).

  • Catalog Record: A link to the catalog record for this item.

  • Text-Only View: View a text-only version of this item which is more friendly to screen readers.

  • Rights: Click on the link to find out more information about what each rights statement means. You can find a full list of rights statements on our Access and Use Policy page.



To download this item in part or in full, select a download format as well as a download range, then click on the Download button.

Find out more about downloading materials in these help articles:

Search in This Text

Search for keywords within this item’s content. Enter your search terms in the search bar and then click the magnifying glass icon to submit the search.

We offer a number of features for searching within a book:

  • You can change the order in which search results are displayed: by page scan or by relevance.

  • You can toggle search term highlighting on the book pages as desired.

  • Search results can load in the sidebar so that you can explore the search results while viewing the book pages at the same time. If you want your search results to appear in a separate tab, check the “Open result in a new tab” checkbox before submitting your search terms.

  • You can clear your search if you’re done with searching in the book, or you can just minimize that section in the sidebar by clicking on “Search in this Text.”

Jump to Section

Click on the “Jump to Page” button if you would like to navigate to a specific page scan. “Page number” refers to the page number in the original physical book, while “page scan sequence” refers to the page scan number for the digital copy in our collection.

  • Page numbers are entered as number, e.g. 10

  • Page scan sequences are entered as #number, e.g. #10

  • Use a page scan sequence between #1-#930

  • Use a page number between 1-112

  • Use + to jump ahead by a number of pages, e.g. +10

  • Use - to jump back by a number of pages, e.g. -10

There may also be section links present that you can use to jump to a particular section of the book, similar to a Table of Contents. The accuracy and detail of this section depends on whether this information was provided when the book was contributed to us.

Get This Item

The “Find in a Library” link will take you to the book’s corresponding catalog record in WorldCat. WorldCat records include a list of libraries that reportedly hold a physical copy of the book. You can restrict this list of libraries so that it shows you libraries near to your physical location.

If the book is also available in Google Books, you will also see a “Download at Google Books” link that will take you to their copy.


This section includes an option to add this book to a personal collection that you own. You can find out more about creating personal collections in our Building Your Own Collections help article.

You can use the drop-down menu to create a new personal collection or select an existing one. Then click on the “Add” button to add the book to the collection.

The “Shared Collections” link will take you to a list of all public collections that have been created. You can then search for a specific public collection on that page by using the “Shared Collections” search bar.

If you are logged in, you will also see a “My Collections” link that will take you to a list of personal collections that you own.

This section may also include a list of existing public collections that this book is already a part of, regardless of whether you own those collections. Navigating to those collections can be helpful in finding other books on the same topic.


If you would like to share this book with others or link to it online, copy the “Permanent link to this item” in this section. The link provided in this section is permanent, while the “babel.hathitrust.org” link in your browser’s address bar is not necessarily permanent.

If you would like to share this book with others and would like to direct them to a specific page scan within the book, first go to the page scan you would like to direct them to, then copy the “Link to this page scan” in this section.

If you would instead like to link to a specific page number from the original print copy of the book:

  • Add the following construct to the end of a volume URL: ?urlappend=%3Bnum=25%3Bu=1

  • For example: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015015394847?urlappend=%3Bnum=25%3Bu=1

    • “num” is the desired page number from the original source

    • u=1 is a parameter to let the system know that you are giving it a page number from which it should derive the page scan number and display the image.

    • If there is no source page number information available for that volume, the system will interpret the “num” value as the page scan number and display that page.

    • If there are multiple identical page numbers in the volume (such as in a bound journal), the system will display the first page that has the given number.

The “Embed this item” button will take you to a pop-up window where you can copy HTML code that can be used to embed this book on a web page or blog. You can choose between the embedded book navigation being in Scroll View (one page at a time) or Flip View (two pages at a time).

Navigation menu

There is a navigation menu in the lower right corner of your browser screen. Click on the eye icon to hide it from view, or click on the crossed out eye icon to show this menu again.

Jump to a specific page scan

You can enter the page scan number in the field just to the right of the # symbol. Then press Enter to navigate to that page scan. Please note that this is not the page number from the original physical copy of the book.

The number to the right of the slash / is the total number of page scans in this book.

View menu

Click on the View menu to open it. From there, you can select between the following page formats:

You can also use the View menu to select from any of the following view modes:

  • Scroll: View one page at a time, scrolling from one page to the next in your browser.

  • Flip: View two pages at a time, flipping between pages as you would in a physical book.

  • Thumbnails: View several pages at a time in much smaller thumbnails. From this view, you can click on a specific thumbnail page to open it in Scroll or Flip mode so you can view it in more detail.

Zoom controls

  • You can click on the + symbol to zoom in and see the text on your current page in larger font.

  • You can click on the - symbol to zoom out and see the text on your current page in smaller font.

Navigation controls

  • The << symbol will take you to the beginning of the book.

  • The < symbol will take you to the previous page in the book.

  • The > symbol will take you to the next page in the book.

  • The >> symbol will take you to the end of the book.

Full screen mode

The symbol with arrows pointing outward will take you to a full screen version of the book. In full screen mode, you will still see the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen, but will not see the left sidebar.

You can hit the ESC button on your keyboard to exit full screen mode.

 Rotating pages in the Book Viewer

To rotate pages in the Book Viewer, first open the View menu from the controls in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select Scroll view from the menu.

Once you are viewing the page you would like to rotate in Scroll view, note the page number in the top right corner of the screen. Expand the menu (if not already expanded) by clicking on the down arrow next to the page number. Then click on the circular Rotate icon.

Each time you click on the Rotate icon, the page will rotate clockwise 90 degrees. You can click on it multiple times until the page is oriented correctly for reading.

 Viewing Materials at a Physical Location

Unfortunately, you will not be able to access books in our collection by visiting the HathiTrust offices. We are solely a digital library and do not have a location that is open to the public.

If you prefer working with print books and see a book in our collection that interests you, your best option would be to check with your local library about borrowing a print copy of it in their collection. If they don't have a print copy of the book, they may be able to borrow a copy from another institution on your behalf via their interlibrary loan service. Your local library will be able to advise you on the best way to do this. 

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