Can I Offer Materials to Include in the Collection?

Can I Offer Materials to Include in the Collection?

We appreciate the desire of our users to improve our collections through suggestions for content, or through offers of print or digitized content.

 Offers of print materials

HathiTrust does not itself digitize materials. Instead, our member organizations decide what they want to scan and deposit into the HathiTrust collection. We're not able to accept offers of print materials at this time.

We would recommend contacting a local library or historical society to see if they would like to accept these materials instead.

 Offers of digitized materials

Unfortunately, we are unable to work with individuals at this time to add digitized materials (PDFs, ePubs, scanned books, etc.) to our collection. We are only set up to work directly with our member libraries, as we have established workflows for the submission of digital files and the metadata that describes them.

Offering a work that you authored

We do appreciate your interest in providing your books to the HathiTrust collection and your desire to see your work live on for the long-term. Your materials may be a good fit for the Google Books Partner Program and the Internet Archive, both of which allow individuals to upload their works to their sites. Here are the links to those programs:

Google Books: https://books.google.com/intl/en/googlebooks/partners/

Internet Archive: https://archive.org/create/

 Offers for additional volumes in a series that already exists in the HathiTrust collection

If you see that HathiTrust already holds some issues from a journal or magazine that interests you:

  1. You can check the list of journal or magazine issues at the bottom of the catalog record to find out which member library contributed those issues.

  2. Then you can contact their library directly, and offer any additional magazine issues to them.

  3. They can then decide whether to digitize them and make them available in our collection as well.

We are unable to accept single articles for deposit into HathiTrust. Our current model is aimed at the preservation of complete books, journals, or serials, and individual articles are out of scope at this time.

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