If you are affiliated with a member library, you should be able to download volumes in the public domain, after logging in successfully through your institution.
We are unfortunately not able to download a file and send it to you manually. Please use our Book Viewer to read or download materials that are available to you. You can also opt to find other websites that may help you access a copy of the book. To find them, click on “Get This Item” in the left sidebar of the Book Viewer while the book you wish to download is open.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
If you are affiliated with a member library, here are the steps you can take to log in, go to the book that you would like to access, and download it:
Start at www.hathitrust.org
Click the yellow Log In button.
Select your university name under "Find your partner institution" and hit Continue.
Arrive at the usual login screen for your university.
Enter your username and password and complete the login.
You will automatically get re-routed back to the HathiTrust website, where the Log In button has disappeared, and in the header bar, it should say Member.
Go to the book you are trying to access. If you have the right account credentials, the options under "Get this book" in the left sidebar should now include "Download pages (PDF)" and "Download whole book (PDF)."
Click the "Download whole book" link, and a popup box should appear, informing you that we are building your PDF. A progress bar alerts you to the status of the build process, and when the PDF has been created for you, a button will prompt you to "Download PDF."
When you click the "Download PDF" button, you should be able to download your book.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Factors that may affect the download speed
When you click the link to download the whole book, the time it takes to build the file depends on the length of the book. Building the file for a book that has 90 pages will be much faster than a book that has 900 pages. If you don't need the entire book, consider selecting only the range of pages that you need.
When HathiTrust member libraries create digital books, they scan each page in the book as a high resolution image. They also create a separate plain-text file for each page which contains the text in that image. When you request a file download, we custom build the file based on what you’ve selected. The build operation can include processes to reduce the size of the pages, convert the text to a new format, or repackage the pages. As a result, you may have to wait a few seconds or minutes while this file is custom-built for you.